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Game Balance - Vehicles


Vehicle Property Modification can be used to modify the balance properties inherent to vehicles (Grav Cycles, Beowulfs and Shrikes), and also to modify their weapons.

Modification functions for the vehicles themselves fall under the Vehicles namespace, and their properties are under Vehicles.Properties (e.g. Vehicles.Properties.HealthPool).

Modification functions for vehicle weapons fall under the VehicleWeapons namespace, and their properties are under VehicleWeapons.Properties (e.g. VehicleWeapons.Properties.ClipSize). Vehicle weapons are named after their associated vehicle (e.g. Shrike for the Shrike cannon); the Beowulf has both the Beowulf Cannon and Beowulf Chaingun weapons.

Setting Vehicle Properties

Getter and Setter functions for property values are provided.

Vehicles.setProperty(vehicleName: string, property: ItemProperty, value: T)

setProperty sets the value of the property property for the vehicle vehicleName. The type T represents the type of the values of that property - depending on the property this may be a boolean, integer, float or string.

Vehicles.getProperty(vehicleName: string, property: ItemProperty): T

getProperty retrieves the value of the given property. The type T is the type of values of that property.

Setting Vehicle Weapon Properties

Getter and Setter functions for property values are provided.

VehicleWeapons.setProperty(vehicleWeaponName: string, property: ItemProperty, value: T)

setProperty sets the value of the property property for the vehicle weapon vehicleWeaponName. The type T represents the type of the values of that property - depending on the property this may be a boolean, integer, float or string.

VehicleWeapons.getProperty(vehicleWeaponName: string, property: ItemProperty): T

getProperty retrieves the value of the given property. The type T is the type of values of that property.

Vehicle Base Stats

PropertyTypeApplicable VehiclesValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
HealthPoolintegerAll> 0HealthHealth pool for the vehicle
EnergyPoolfloatAll>= 0EnergyEnergy pool for the vehicle
EnergyRechargeRatefloatAll>= 0Energy / SRate of energy recovery
IsArmoredbooleanAllWhether the vehicle counts as armoured when considering damage dealt
IsHomingTargetbooleanAllWhether the vehicle may be targeted by the Sabre Launcher
CanCarryFlagAsPilotbooleanAllWhether you can carry the flag while piloting the vehicle
CanCarryFlagAsPassengerbooleanGrav, BeowulfWhether you can carry the flag as a passenger of the vehicle
TimeBeforeSelfDestructfloatAll>= 0STime before an empty vehicle self-destructs

Vehicle Movement

PropertyTypeApplicable VehiclesValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
MaxSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SMaximum speed the vehicle can attain via normal acceleration
MaxDivingSpeedMultiplierfloatShrike>= 0Multiplier to allow the Shrike to go slightly faster than its normal max while diving
BoostMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier applied to maximum vehicle speed while boosting
BoostEnergyCostfloatAll>= 0Energy / SEnergy cost of boosting
BoostMinUsableProportionfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Proportion of energy required to start boosting
MaxPlayerExitSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SCap on the speed a player can inherit when exiting the vehicle
GravityScalefloatAll>= 0Effect of gravity on the vehicle

Vehicle Self Damage

PropertyTypeApplicable VehiclesValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
MaxCrashDamagefloatAll>= 0DamageAmount of damage sustained by crashing at or beyond the MaxCrashDamageSpeed
MinCrashDamagefloatAll>= 0DamageAmount of damage sustained when crashing at MinCrashDamageSpeed
MaxCrashDamageSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SSpeed at which the maximum crashing damage will be applied
MinCrashDamageSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SMinimum speed at which crashing causes damage
MaxVehicleCrashDamagefloatAll>= 0DamageAmount of damage sustained when hitting another vehicle at or beyond the MaxCrashDamageSpeed
MinVehicleCrashDamagefloatAll>= 0DamageAmount of damage sustained when hitting another vehicle at MinCrashDamageSpeed
MaxVehicleCrashDamageSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SSpeed of collision with another vehicle at which the maximum crashing damage will be applied
MinVehicleCrashDamageSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SMinimum speed at which crashing into another vehicle causes damage

Vehicle Ramming

PropertyTypeApplicable VehiclesValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
RamMinSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SMinimum speed at which ramming a player causes them damage
RamMaxDamageSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SSpeed at which ramming a player causes them max damage
RamMinDamagefloatAll>= 0DamageMinimum damage caused by ramming
RamMaxDamagefloatAll>= 0DamageMaximum damage caused by ramming
RamPlayerPushSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SSpeed at which rammed players are pushed
RamFlagPushSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SSpeed at which a rammed flag is pushed

Vehicle Weapon Ammo

PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
ClipAmmointegerAll except Beowulf Cannon>= 0BulletsNumber of bullets in a clip
SpareAmmointegerAll>= 0BulletsSpare ammo carried by each vehicle (normally all vehicles have 10000)
AmmoPerShotintegerAll>= 0BulletsAmmo cost for each shot

Vehicle Weapon Reloading and Firing

PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
ReloadTimefloatAll>= 0STime taken to reload
FireIntervalfloatAll>= 0STime between consecutive shots
ReloadSinglebooleanAll except Beowulf CannonWhether bullets are reloaded one at a time
ReloadApplicationProportionfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Proportion through the reload that the actual reload occurs
BurstShotCountintegerShrike> 0BulletsNumber of bullets fired in a single burst

Vehicle Weapon Damage and Impact


PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
DamagefloatAll>= 0DamageDamage the weapon does, before considering multipliers, falloff etc.
DirectHitMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Damage multiplier to apply to the damage done on a direct hit
EnergyDrainfloatAll>= 0EnergyAmount of energy to drain from targets
DamageAgainstArmorMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier for damage against armoured targets
DamageAgainstGeneratorMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier for damage against generators
DamageAgainstBaseTurretMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier for damage against base turrets
DamageAgainstBaseSensorMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier for damage against sensors
DamageAgainstGravCycleMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier for damage against Grav Cycles
DamageAgainstBeowulfMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier for damage against Beowulfs
DamageAgainstShrikeMultiplierfloatAll>= 0Multiplier for damage against Shrikes


PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
ImpactMomentumfloatAll except Beowulf Chaingun>= 0MomentumAmount of momentum applied to a player hit by this weapon


PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
ExplosiveRadiusfloatAll except Beowulf Chaingun>= 0UUSize of the weapon's damaging explosion
BulletDamageRangefloatBeowulf Chaingun>= 0UUSize of the damage range (not the total range of the weapon)
MaxDamageRangeProportionfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Proportion of the damage range at which falloff starts
MinDamageRangeProportionfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Proportion of the damage range at which falloff ends
MinDamageProportionfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Proportion of the normal damage dealt at the MinDamageRangeProportion

Falloff for these weapons works the same as for regular weapons.


PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
DoesImpulseFlagbooleanAll except Beowulf ChaingunWhether the weapon's explosion pushes the flag around
DoesGibOnKillbooleanAllWhether this weapon will cause a killed enemy to explode into pieces
GibImpulseRadiusfloatAllUnreal UnitsRadius for which gibbing impulse is applied to pieces of deceased enemy
GibStrengthfloatAllMomentumMomentum applied to gibbed pieces of an enemy

Vehicle Weapon Projectiles

PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
ProjectileSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SLaunch speed of the projectile
ProjectileMaxSpeedfloatAll>= 0UU / SCap on the absolute projectile speed, regardless of inheritance
CollisionSizefloatAll>= 0UURadius of the projectile's collision sphere
ProjectileInheritancefloatAll>= 0Proportion of the shooter's velocity the projectile inherits
ProjectileLifespanfloatAll>= 0SHow long the projectile travels for before exploding in midair
ProjectileGravityfloatAll>= 0Multiplier by which gravity affects the projectile
ProjectileTerminalVelocityfloatAll>= 0UU / STerminal velocity due to gravity

Vehicle Weapon Accuracy

PropertyTypeApplicable Vehicle WeaponsValue RestrictionsUnitsDescription
AccuracyfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Proportion of accuracy for the weapon's shot
AccuracyLossOnShotfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Accuracy decrease after shooting
AccuracyLossMaxfloatAll0 <= x <= 1Maximum decrease in accuracy at a given time
AccuracyCorrectionRatefloatAll0 <= x <= 1Rate at which accuracy returns after decreasing